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10 Essential Questions to Ask Your Potential Public Speaking Coach

August 11, 2023
2 min read

Choosing an efficacious public speaking coach is a daunting task that carries a wealth of implications for your professional development. To optimize this selection process, we present ten pivotal questions that you should pose to your potential public speaking coach. The goal is to obtain a comprehensive insight into their background, teaching methods, and personal philosophy, thereby ensuring you secure a coach that aligns with your specific needs and objectives.

  • What is your pedagogical background in public speaking?

    Understanding the pedagogical background of your potential coach is vital for assessing their ability to guide your development as a speaker. The significance of pedagogy, or the method and practice of teaching, is deeply rooted in the educational philosophy that emphasizes the importance of structured, planned, and repeatable methods of instruction. It is crucial to know whether your coach has a sound understanding of rhetoric, argumentation theory, speech communication, and other relevant fields.

  • What is your personal philosophy of public speaking?

    The personal philosophy of your potential coach is akin to peering into their intellectual soul. It provides valuable insight into how they perceive public speaking and, consequently, how they will approach your training. Some coaches might lean towards the Aristotelian perspective, emphasizing ethos, pathos, and logos, while others might prioritize the contemporary narrative paradigm, where storytelling and audience connection reign supreme.

  • What experience do you have?

    Experience, both in terms of years and variety, is a significant factor. It's not merely the quantity of years, but also the diversity of speaking engagements the coach has encountered. A coach with experience in TED talks, political speeches, business presentations, and academic conferences will provide a broader perspective than one with a more narrow experience range.

  • How do you keep current with new public speaking trends and techniques?

    As with any other field, public speaking is not static. It evolves with time, reflecting societal changes, technological advancements, and new scientific insights into human psychology and communication. The coach's commitment to continuous learning reflects their dedication to the profession and ensures you'll be exposed to pioneering techniques and strategies.

  • Can you provide references from previous clients?

    Social proof, a concept rooted in the field of social psychology, demonstrates that people are influenced by others' actions. References provide social proof of the coach's efficacy and can give you a glimpse into their past client relationships and successes.

  • How do you tailor your coaching to individual needs?

    Every speaker is unique. Hence, the one-size-fits-all approach is suboptimal in public speaking coaching. A coach who adopts a tailored approach, based on your personal strengths, weaknesses, speaking style, and objectives, is more likely to facilitate significant improvement.

  • What is your approach to evaluation and feedback?

    Feedback plays a crucial role in any learning process. However, the form that feedback takes can impact its effectiveness. Research in cognitive psychology suggests that feedback is most effective when it is immediate, specific, and constructive. Your coach's approach to evaluation and feedback will directly impact your learning rate and ultimate success.

  • Can you help with my specific public speaking challenges?

    Whether it's stage fright, developing compelling narratives, or mastering the use of non-verbal communication, ensure your potential coach is well-equipped to tackle your specific public speaking challenges.

  • How do you handle coaching sessions?

    The pragmatics of the coaching sessions - their frequency, duration, mode (online or in-person) - also bear significance. This logistical aspect influences the pacing of your learning and needs to fit with your schedule and preferred learning style.

  • What are your expectations from me?

    Understanding the coach's expectations can give you an idea of the commitment required. This includes the time you need to dedicate, the tasks you'll be expected to perform, and the attitude they expect from you.

In conclusion, the decision to hire a public speaking coach is a strategic move towards enhancing your ability to communicate effectively. Asking these ten questions will enable you to make an informed decision, ensuring your chosen coach can provide the necessary guidance to propel you towards your public speaking goals. Remember, the ultimate objective is to find a coach who will not only provide you with the tools to improve, but also inspire you to reach new heights in your public speaking journey.


Related Questions

Pedagogical background refers to the knowledge, skills, and experience a person has in teaching or education. It includes understanding of teaching methods, educational theories, and subject matter expertise.

The Aristotelian perspective of public speaking emphasizes ethos (credibility), pathos (emotional appeal), and logos (logical argument).

A coach's experience, both in terms of years and variety, provides them with a broader perspective and understanding of different speaking engagements. It enhances their ability to guide and train effectively.

Feedback plays a crucial role in learning and improvement. It helps identify areas of strength and weakness, and provides direction for improvement. Effective feedback is immediate, specific, and constructive.

Tailoring coaching to individual needs means adapting the coaching approach based on the unique strengths, weaknesses, speaking style, and objectives of each individual. It ensures more effective and personalized learning.

Public speaking evolves with societal changes, technological advancements, and new insights into human psychology and communication. A coach who stays current with new trends and techniques can provide more effective and relevant training.

A coach might expect you to dedicate a certain amount of time, perform certain tasks, and maintain a certain attitude towards learning and improvement. Understanding these expectations can help you prepare for the coaching process.

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If you're looking to become a better public speaker, reading more of our blog posts can help you find the right coach for your needs. Our rankings of Best Public Speaking Coaches are also available to provide further guidance.

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Zero-Error Content : Crafted by Isabella Morgan , polished by Morgan Quinn , and evaluated by Casey Larsen | All rights reserved.